Some of our best players have thousands of Party Charms. Far more than they could ever use one at a time. Zone Online Casino allows players to group their Charms, allowing low value Charms to pay out much like higher value Charms do.
IMPORTANT: Use of Charm Stacking will dramatically increase the rate your Charms are used up...but you'll be getting those sweet, sweet Coins while it happens.
How Stacking Works
To open your Charm Manager click anywhere in the green right Hand Sidebar (where Charms are displayed.)
First of all, check out your total Charms display in the lower right corner of your Charm Manager. See that number? That's your total number of Charms. No more "Load All" or numbers changing when you sign out and in again. That's your total. Done.
To adjust what and how Charms are automatically selected by the system while you play, select the Charm Settings button, in the lower left corner of your Charm Manager.
As you collect new Charms, they are not automatically stacked together when added to your live charms display on the right-hand side bar
As Charms are used up from the sidebar, however, new Charms added from the Charm Manager will be stacked if stacking is enabled.
You can choose to equip Charms:
One at a time: This is how Charms have historically worked in Zone Online Casino, so this is the same as always. When a Party Charm is activated, it takes up a spot on the Charm Sidebar and remains active until all its Coins have been added to your Coin total, then the Charm vanishes.
Stacked Together: When Stacked Together, your Charms are outfitted in stacks. The stacks function as a single larger Charm, allowing more modest Charms like beers and martinis to pay out enough coins rapidly enough to cover larger wagers than single small Charms could do in the past. Stacks can range from 5 Charms (for the big ones) up to hundreds of Charms in a single stack for low Gem cost Charms like Beers and Martinis.The size of Charm stacks are determined by the Charm (so no customization is possible.) The most valuable Charms stack in sets of x5. Smaller value Charms stack in larger sets. The smaller the Charm value, the larger the set will be.
The most valuable charms are selected first, same as always. To save charms you don't want to use, those Charms must be unselected from the Auto-equip list.
When you use Charm Stacking, your Charm total will shrink much faster than before, but your Coin total will increase (or your losses will be reduced) by an equal amount. Nothing about the total payout of any of the Charms has been changed.
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