Party attendence
I am jamdaddy1962 and on December 23 I entered a party hosted by Ghost114. When the party started I was told that I needed to buy 2 limos or get thrown out of the party. There was nothing that said anyone had to buy anything in the description of the party, and I paid my 1400 passes to attend the party. As far as I know there is nothing that says you HAVE to buy anything when you enter a party unless it states it in the party description. I was going to contact Ghost114 and tell him he was wrong to expel me from the party, But when I went to his profile, he had block me so I could not do so. I don't know this guy and I am glad I don't as I don't friend people like that who bully people into getting what they want. I am hoping you will contact Ghost114 and let him know that he is doing wrong and needs to stop it. He is not making friends by doing such things and we the people on zone don't appreciate this kind of conduct. Thank you, jamdaddy1962
Host's are allowed to have rules for their own party, but they do need to be listed into the description of the party. We'll take a look into it.
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