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What is the point of Slot Tournaments



  • 0o Violet o0

    I agree with all you've wrote. I've always been refunded too due to not enough players, agreed it is a waste of time and effort.
    I wonder though if the first step we could try, would be to organise something amongst ourselves.
    Like a general consensus to play on a certain day, maybe Tournament Tuesday.
    The alliteration could help people to remember what day to play to draw the numbers in needed.
    Does anyone else have any other ideas?
    Otherwise, over to you zone!!

  • Checkers D

    I think it would be very helpful to be able to see how many players are playing each tourney before entering .





  • Checkers D

    Slot Tournaments are fun and thanks to Ghost 114 information posted on his wall has helped lots of players and has helped add many new players. Lately the tourneys have been filling on Wednesdays and Saturdays !



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