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whisper chat in Poker



  • Official comment

    Unfortunately some people were using it to cheat in the game.  So we had to turn it off.


  • bo5

    People have always been cheating.  You're the last to find out. Why don't you do something about a player who uses 2 avatars at a table. In the meantime, turn chat back on because its more important than the occasional cheats that we all know about.We  are here to socialize since there is nothing really to win.  If we cant do that then what's the point of coming here.



  • noslen

    Dougaroo, you need to do YOUR job and block or suspend the cheaters.  Punishing the rest of us makes no sense at all.  You have access to all the conversations......Do something with that information.   If you think I am going to spend money here to listen to the repetitive piano music at the poker table, you are seriously mistaken.

  • Dougaroo

    Well guys you'll be surprised (maybe) and happy (hopefully) to learn that we've decided to reverse course on this and will be allowing private chat again with the next release (in about a week).  We'll address cheating differently.

    The argument about our repetitive piano music is simply too compelling!


  • noslen

    Thank you Dugaroo for addressing this matter promptly.  Many people appreciate it.

  • LlZl

    thank you for turning whisper chat back on, wasnt fair to punish all of us 

  • Winchester Rifle

    thank you for listening to our reasonable  requests about punishing the many for the  deeds of the few

  • AllieKat2

    Thank you!  So many were concerned that whisper would be gone.  We appreciate zone listening and bringing it back.

  • Colby

    I guess it never occurred to you that there are dozens of chat programs off zone that people could and probably do use to cheat at poker. Can't understand why anyone would, just to win free chips. Removing private chat was like bad parenting. Why not spend the effort to address the "group" and "locate" features that never work like they're supposed to. And speaking of bad parenting, censoring words in public chat like crap, screw, anal and beaver? Seriously? I thought folks were required to be 18 to play here, but you treat them like kindergartners.

  • Dougaroo

    Oh no - my cover is blown!  I will go and reboot now.

  • Thomas From Pogo

    When someone is not a member they are restricted to play certain games, Please put NON-MEMBERS In a room of there own in BINGO, im tired of betting 4 mill a game and guest play min, and win ALL THE TIME. Again restrict Guess from playing high roller BINGO, MANY FEEL THE SAME WAY I DO


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