No Host Parties
When "hosting a party " I thought it was so we as a group of people could get together and share charms and have fun together. But when you allow "no host" parties, the people shy away and won't attend as much unless they are just looking for some free charms at others expense. What's the chance of when people posting parties are obligated to attend or pay? or is there some incentive to host as many as possible and not be there to support them? It could be as simple as charge the host that posted the party to pay for it when the party starts if they are there or not.
Just trying to figure out what your trying to promote. meeting and finding new friends or how many parties can one possibly post and not attend. Trying to have fun here, but these no host parties just flood the party board and then we never get to meet and greet with the host, and then it's up to us to try and find the mystery posters, if they even exist.
Parties should be a fun experience where we meet and have a good time, but when the moochers show up they get blocked after a time when they do not share.
a host could bring in alot of people to the parties, IF THEY WERE TO ATTEND, the amount of friends / people showing up for them would depend on how many friends they have and / or if the party is private or for all
Hosts do not have to attend their own Charm Parties. They do still pay the Coins or Gems to host the party, but there is no benefit to having multiple parties in a day.
The main purpose of the Charm Party is to attend and receive 25 Charms for the price of 1. Anything extra, such as extra gifted Charms, or socializing with friends is 100% optional, and players are not obligated to participate in that way if they do not wish to.
If you would prefer to have Charm Parties where the host attends, you're free to host your own Charm Parties.
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i beg to differ with you on the Charm party defination - you even list it as "exchange of charms" If you go to a christmas party and it's an exchange party then everyone that goes to the party takes a gift to exchange - exhange means you give one and you get one - so people who go to exhange parties are expected to also give not just stand there and take. So,,, maybe if your going to change the defination of the charm party then you should have another party that is listed as a party where everyone is expected to toss charms and not just stand and collect - maybe do away with the free party listing which is only used as a notice to people - which is not what the party board is for - and replace it with a party listing that says if you attend this party you are expected to toss charms sure would cut down on alot of fighting between people at charm parties who attend and refuse to toss and get some mean things said to them by others.
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Thanks for your suggestions, Dee Ranger. We'll be sure to take this into consideration.
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