Charity Charm for Ukraine
Could we have a charm where proceeds are donated to humanitarian efforts for Ukraine & the displaced. Maybe to a charity such as American or International Red Cross. Similar to the ACS charm.
Just an idea. I always like to support the charity charm efforts here.
Thank you for being the 1st to post. I was going to do the same. Bless you and everyone around the world for doing whatever they can to help. And may I suggest here if you don't mind....That since China has announced they will NOT sanction Russia, that we all stand united NOT to purchase China produced products as well. Our way of sanctioning them since nothing has been done to them for this absolutely HORRIBLE COVID mess !
Thank YOU !
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Hellobear has a great idea and I hope Flowplay will back this effort with a charm with all proceeds going to relief efforts for Ukraine. Thank you.
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Thanks for your suggestion. I've passed this along to our teams.
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Great idea bear. This must get done.
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I think this would be a great idea. Any help we could give them would help. It is worth looking at it. This a world problem so lets help.
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This is a wonderful idea! I know that most here would stand united and help! So please consider this. Thank you.
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Great idea hellobear I hope that your idea is accepted and implemented as quickly as possible. I believe that almost 100% of the casino players from many US states and world nations would donate to this humanitarian effort.
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I support Hellobear in getting this charm. I stand for Ukraine and will support their cause as i believe many others will.
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Great idea Hellobear and I hope we get some effort from Flowplay to get this charm for the support of the Ukraine completed.
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awesome idea i agree
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This is an awesome idea Hellobear, I support your suggestion and I would love to see charms for the support of the Ukraine . Thank you :)
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What a wonderful idea Hellobear...let's get this charm going now!! A lot of people
need it. Thanks in advance Zone!! Thank You Hellobear
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wonderful idea bear! i would support this charm for sure!
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Wonderful Idea Bear. I agree and would support this whole heartedly.
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I also agree !
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Thank you Samantha , much appreciated. And thank you friends for your support of this charm :)
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