If you find your outfits are no longer putting the correct clothing on your avatar, or the image displayed for that outfit is incomplete or incorrect, you may need to redo those outfits. Sadly, we have no way to fix outfits that have gone wrong.
Each player's Outfit Profile page has three sections, and to fix your Outfits you'll need to use all three.
Wearing - Check to see that the Items your avatar is equipped with are being displayed both on the page and on your avatar. If everything looks right, use the Save as Outfit button to add that outfit to your Outfits list.
Outfits - Each Outfit on this list is a collection of items which can be Put On in a single step, saving you time over adding each item individually. After you Put On an Outfit, switch over to the Wearing tab to see if your avatar, and all the items were equipped correctly. If so, great! If not, switch back to the Outfits section and Delete the corrupted Outfit. Note: This will not delete your outfit from your account. They will still appear in your items.
Items - This is where all the parts of all the Outfits you've ever collected are stored and are available for use. From this section you can build (or re-build) any outfit you like from your collection of Items. Once you've got your avatar looking great (or an Outfit pieced together again) switch over to the Wearing tab to Save as Outfit and store it for easy use in the future.
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